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RegEx To Replace Empty Tags with just IDs Using Notepad++

Here is an example html output from a DOCX file imported into WordPress (in this case with the Mammoth docx converter plugin):

<h2><a id=”post-44034-_7ttglipb267h”></a>Header Text</h2>
Some Content here
<h3><a id=”post-44034-_lx7dlbt1tney”></a>Sub Header Text</h3>
Some Content here

The IDs will obviously vary but the common factor is that the <a> contains no content.

If we’re not referencing the headings in our own table of contents, we don’t need this code – and if we’re using a Plugin to create a TOC it will create its own IDs as required so we can remove these using Notepad++ using a RegEx (regular expression) in the Replace Dialog:

The Notepad++ Find and replace showing our RegEX

Ensure that you have checked the “RegEx” option on the bottom left search mode of the search/replace dialog and then search for the following:



  • <a: Matches the opening <a> tag.
  • [^>]*: Matches any attributes inside the <a> tag (if any).
  • ></a>: Matches the closing </a> tag, ensuring the tag has no content between them.

This regex will find all <a> tags with no content inside them and can be used to remove those unwanted tags.

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